Common Effect: Substantial improvement of ability to fight cancer (if any is present.)
This section contains more detail in order to give help for cancer patients and also to help people learn more about miraculous healing from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God.
​​Recommendations about Kundalini and Qi Gong under God Healing for Cancer Patients
Each Qi Gong under God student that has cancer or possibly has cancer should continue to have treatment by medical doctors.
It is recommended that each student that has cancer should practice Kundalini and Qi Gong under God twice or more per day using the meditation videos to receive the benefits of having an extra amount of healing energy each day.
From intuition from God:
A useful estimate guideline is stated as follows:
Cases of cancer with total cancer mass smaller than a maximum mass M for each cancer case can be commonly healed by Kundalini and Qi Gong under God miraculous healing help.
The maximum mass M is custom estimated for each particular cancer case.
The guideline means that full healing to a full recovery is not guaranteed. It means that students with total cancer mass below M can mostly experience that the healing is fully successful over time to make the cancer go into remission state. Then with continuing practice, the cancer is very unlikely to recur.
If the total cancer mass is substantially larger than M, then the patient and the medical doctors may wish to consider treatment plan options such as surgery to remove some cancer mass.
Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing includes some miraculous cancer slow down methods for causing cancer cells to grow and divide much more slowly in order to slow cancer growth greatly or to pause this growth.
For a given amount of cancer mass, Kundalini and Qi Gong under God needs about 3 to 4 times less Kundalini and Qi energy per day to accomplish only slow down compared to reducing the cancer. It is is easier to cause the cancer to slow down or pause growth.
So if the total cancer mass is for example equal to 2.5 x M, then Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing is commonly able to slow down or pause the cancer growth. This gives more time to possibly have some treatment options and also more time to still enjoy life.
The number M means that practicing Kundalini and Qi Gong under God will give miraculous healing help which is based on using Kundalini and Qi spiritual energy each day to do cancer fighting. More energy per day will give more miraculous healing help.
The number M varies and is estimated for each cancer case.​
For this powerful Kundalini and Qi Gong practice, the number M is large enough that recovering from cancer fully is a common outcome for cancer cases that are diagnosed reasonably early.
For example for liver cancer, M can be usually be about 0.4 to 0.5 kg for an average male student.
Intuitive help from God: A person who has intuition from God can help pray to find out about number M and other information for a cancer patient. God's statement about number M will include the effects of planned chemotherapy and any other medical treatments.
The number M is one number which summarizes the combined effect of multiple factors listed below:
The amount of Kundalini and Qi energies that is available per day for cancer healing. The miraculous healing is done by God using the amount of Kundalini and Qi energy that is available for cancer healing per day in a particular patient.
The amount of available Kundalini and Qi energy includes the effects of a patient's gender and a patient's body mass.
The type of cancer.
For example, a cancer in a large organ that has good blood supply like the liver means that M will be a larger number.
Cancer in a small organ (e.g. prostate) or a body area where cancer fighting is more limited (e.g. brain) means that M will be a smaller number.
A faster growing cancer means that M will be somewhat smaller, but this does not mean that M shrinks proportionally to measured cancer growth rate. Measured faster cancer growth rate usually has much less effect on M than a proportional shrinkage of M. (This is different than how fast growth affects chemotherapy drug treatments.)
The initial health of the cancer patient and the on-going health of the cancer patient during the cancer treatment period.
The cancer patient's health includes complex effects. The number M is affected by other health conditions if any are present, patient's physical fitness, person's age, person's health while undergoing chemotherapy treatment, person's health due to undergoing any other treatments, how well the patient is able to get sufficient rest, daily nutrition, etc.
- The effectiveness of the chemotherapy treatments at helping to control and reduce the cancer mass.
This includes the health effects and side effects caused by chemotherapy and any other medical treatments including those for other health conditions.
Patient's mental thinking and mental mood. A cancer patient who has mostly negative thinking has some negative effect on M.
Practicing Kundalini and Qi Gong under God twice or more per day using the meditation videos to receive energy empowerments is helpful to treat cancer with extra healing energy. Healing is faster this way.
Cancer illness causes discomfort and worry, and the chemotherapy treatment is also uncomfortable. Shortening the treatment time is better.
Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing help is able to also help cancer patients to be more strong and more comfortable as explained here and in a section below. Chemotherapy treatment weakens people considerably and makes them uncomfortable. It is especially uncomfortable during the first week after each chemotherapy treatment.
Because Kundalini and Qi Gong under God provides miraculous healing help, the chemotherapy drugs are being allowed to remain in the cancerous areas of the body in a normal way to work on reducing the cancer cells. The rest of the body is receiving miraculous help to minimize the chemotherapy side effects. The chemotherapy drugs stay in the cancerous area to be effective for about the normal amount of time rather than being neutralized more rapidly.
Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing also helps cancer patients to have considerably better thinking during the chemotherapy treatment period and afterward. The effects of chemotherapy treatments on the brain are mainly minimized and healed rapidly each time by Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing. This is described in a later section in more detail.
Successful Cases of Cancer Remission in Student Patients
Kundalini and Qi Gong under God has given miraculous healing help for all of the cases of cancer among students so far.
Three student patients first discovered after doctor visits that they had cancer which was confirmed by medical testing.
After cancer was discovered, then each of them started receiving miraculous healing from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God. All three people continued with normal medical care. Dr. D. Wong did Kundalini and Qi Gong under God practice for each of them to give these three people miraculous healing help from God as patients.
These three people are called "student patients", meaning that they are receiving healing as patients from Dr. D. Wong practicing Kundalini and Qi Gong under God daily to give healing treatments. God describes them as student patients because they are definitely in the Kundalini and Qi Gong under God school as students in order to receive miraculous Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing from Dr. D. Wong.
Two student patients have been having Kundalini and Qi Gong under God treatments about twice daily from Dr. D. Wong and did not yet practice Kundalini and Qi Gong under God before they reached cancer remission. One student patient has since started Kundalini and Qi Gong under God practice so far.
The third student patient did practice Kundalini and Qi Gong under God daily using the meditation videos and also received Kundalini and Qi Gong under God treatment once per day from Dr. D. Wong. This is continuing after his cancer is in remission.
All three student patients have successfully reached cancer remission within about one year or less including this help from miraculous healing from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God.
During this time, the student patients had normal medical care. The medical care included prescribed chemotherapy and frequent monitoring of the cancer including doctor visits, lab testing, and medical imaging.
Because each student patient had cancer tumors that were successfully shrinking, the medical care later included a surgical operation to remove one remaining shrunken tumor after the cancer tumors had already shrunk greatly. This is normal medical care which helps in part by removing small remaining amounts of cancer in a shrunken tumor that would otherwise often cause cancer problems again after chemotherapy is completed.
Two cases had some remaining cancer after the surgery that was too diffuse in the body to be removed by surgery. Diffuse cancer is spread out in normal body tissue as small areas of cancer cells. Both cases were liver cancer.
This type of diffuse remaining cancer is not removable from the liver during surgery. Surgery often has limits on how it can help. Too much cutting of the liver would badly hurt the liver and would not be good for the patient.
For each student patient, all remaining cancer continued to shrink rapidly until the cancer is now in remission. Medical doctors continued chemotherapy during that time period.
From intuition from God, we can know that all three people received very good miraculous healing help from God from Dr. D. Wong's practice of Kundalini and Qi Gong under God and from one student's patient daily practice using the meditation videos.
From intuition, the chemotherapy treatments also helped them. Chemotherapy did about 30% of the work for reducing the cancer tumors in two liver cancer cases and about 20% of the work for reducing the cancer tumors in a female breast cancer case.
Confirmation by Intuition from God
The intuitive information above about these cancer cases can be confirmed by prayer by people who have intuition from God.
Also, other information about Kundalini and Qi Gong in this Web site can be confirmed by prayer by people who intuition from God.
More Comfortable Life and Better Quality of Life during the Chemotherapy Treatment Period
Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing help is able to also help cancer patients to be more strong and more comfortable. This Qi Gong practice helps cancer patients to have more energy and reduced side effects from chemotherapy. This Qi Gong practice also helps healing and recovery if a surgery is performed.
Chemotherapy treatment weakens cancer patients considerably and makes them uncomfortable. It is especially uncomfortable during the first week after each chemotherapy treatment is given.
All of the student patients described in this section had a good daily quality of life compared to other patients on average.
All of the student patients were able to have reasonable energy to continue some activities.
During the week after chemotherapy, each patient felt weaker and uncomfortable. Each student patient did recover from chemotherapy-caused weakness more rapidly each time than chemotherapy patients on average. During some time periods between chemotherapy treatment, patients had enough energy to do some walking and some normal activities like shopping and cooking.
Because Kundalini and Qi Gong under God provides miraculous healing help, the chemotherapy drugs are being allowed to remain in cancerous areas in the body in a normal way to work on reducing the cancer cells. The rest of the body is receiving miraculous help to minimize the chemotherapy side effects. The chemotherapy drugs stay in the cancerous area to be effective for about the normal amount of time rather than being neutralized more rapidly.
Two student patients had enough energy during the period of chemotherapy treatments to continue some normal work activities.
One student patient continued doing care of her small children in her own family. She was also able to drive herself to medical appointments.
Another student patient also did not need to slow down much. He continued some regular exercise and was also able to do some part-time office work at home.​
The third student patient is a retired person. She was tired by the chemotherapy treatments. During the first week after a chemotherapy treatment, she stayed at home and rested more but did not have to stay in bed.
After more than one week after a chemotherapy treatment and before the next chemotherapy treatment, she had more energy and was able to do some shopping and also meeting with her family at home.​
Another Case of Miraculous Cancer Healing for a Student Patient
One type of miraculous healing help is from practicing Kundalini and Qi Gong under God.​
Another type of miraculous healing help from God that is well known is a miraculous full healing of a serious health problem like cancer which is given by God in response to prayers.
This section gives some explanation about full miraculous healings from God.
This person who is a student patient received a full miraculous healing from God for bone cancer after a brief period of receiving Kundalini and Qi Gong under God healing help as a patient of Dr. D. Wong.
This student patient had a bone bump that was growing larger.​
Medical examination started with imaging.
Then a biopsy test by needle into the bone bump was performed. The biopsy test result was "cancer is suspected but not confirmed."
Surgery was scheduled to treat this growing bone bump.
After the surgery, the surgeon stated that there was a volume region inside the bone which was filled with very soft body material. He was able to remove this very soft body material and then clean out this region of the inside of the bone. The surgeon was able to do this removal and clean-out more easily as the body material was very soft and can mainly be scooped out.
Lab analysis of the very soft material stated that this material was benign material (not cancerous).
From intuition from God:
This student patient did have bone cancer that was growing and causing this bone bump which was causing pain.
He received a full miraculous healing from Christ which was doing healing of this bone cancer starting about two weeks before date of the biopsy test procedure.​
The very soft body material was previously the bone cancer tumor. It was in the process of being fully healed by Christ during the time of the biopsy test and during the time of the surgery. The very soft characteristic of the body material during the surgery was an indication this body material was in the process of being fully taken apart by body processes with miraculous help from Christ.
Cancerous tumor tissue and normal body bone marrow are both much firmer than this very soft body material and cannot be removed easily by scooping it out.
The lab analysis of the very soft body material indicates that the very soft material was not cancerous cells. The previous tumor cells were already stopped from continuing to grow and in the process of being fully taken apart by the body with full miraculous healing from Christ.
A miraculous full healing from God is sometimes given by God when a person with a serious health problem and other people pray for miraculous healing from God.
All religious people who have a serious illness and have religious beliefs generally pray to God for miraculous help.
Their families and friends who believe in God also pray for the person to receive miraculous healing from God.
Spiritual teachers and other people in their religious school also pray for miraculous healing for all people who have illness in their religious schools.
A full miraculous healing from God for cancer is rapid as a few weeks for some cancer types and may take some months for other cancer types. Miraculous cancer healing is usually done by God in a way that removes the cancerous cells over time by having the cells slow down and then be taken apart by body mechanisms.
Where there is a tumor in the body which has almost all cancer cells, the full miraculous healing by God can more rapidly stop and eliminate the cancer compared to other body places where cancer cells are more intermixed with normal cells.
Normal cells need to grow and divide to partially fill in the places where cancer cells are being taken apart.
From intuition from God:
​A cancer patient and family members and other people who have been praying for miraculous healing for that person do usually know from intuition from God when the cancer patient has been granted a full miraculous healing from God.
Medical doctors who treat cancer patients (Oncologists and Oncology surgeons) usually know that most cancer patients and their loved ones and the spiritual teachers and other people in their religious school are praying to God for miraculous healing.
These medical doctors also usually recognize and can acknowledge medical indications of miraculous healings from God.
The cancer patients who have the best outcomes of cancer treatment (fast healing with chemotherapy treatments and full health recovery afterwards with no recurrence of that cancer) are actually mostly people who have received full miraculous healings from God.
About Faithful Students and Other Good Students of God
Many faithful students of God are in every religion. Here is a brief description of a faithful student:
A faithful student prays to God often.
A faithful student goes to religious service weekly and/or does frequent religious study and practice at home.
A faithful student is also good at following recommendations to be good in personal behavior including making efforts to help other people in addition to doing their normal career work.
From intuition from God: The fraction of faithful students who have cancer that receive a miraculous full healing from God is as high as about a range of 10% to 20%, depending on the type of cancer.
Some types of cancer are healed with full miraculous healings from God with higher fraction than other types of cancer.
Other good students of God in every religion also pray for miraculous healings from God and also other family and friends and spiritual teachers praying for a miraculous healing from God. They also have a chance of receiving a full miraculous healing.
From intuition from God: The fraction of these other good students who have cancer and who receive full miraculous healings from God this way is a smaller fraction than for faithful students of God. This fraction who receive full miraculous healings is about 3% to 5%, depending on the type of cancer.​
About Cancer Types in Cases so far
​The Cancer types for the students that have received miraculous healing so far are below:
Liver cancer (two cases)
Breast cancer
Bone cancer
​From intuition from God: Other cancer types can also be treated by practicing Kundalini and Qi Gong under God with viewing of the meditation videos to receive strong energy empowerments.
Students who practice this Kundalini and Qi Gong under God practice including twice daily viewing of the meditation videos to provide energy empowerments and healing help from God can usually receive miraculous healing power from God for cancer.
People who have a cancer mass below the guideline number of M can often be able to have miraculous healing to full recovery to remission. This depends on having sufficient healing power from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God plus other planned medical treatments that are factored into a custom estimation of the guideline number M.
For higher cancer mass above M, this Kundalini and Qi Gong under God practice also provides some effective healing power to help slow down the cancer growth with some cases reaching a full pause in growth. Patients and their medical doctors can consider surgical treatment to lower the cancer mass in the body to a lower number, preferably below M. Otherwise, the cancer growth is still slowed down which is very beneficial.
Students who practice this Kundalini and Qi Gong under God practice with twice daily viewing of the meditation videos can usually have an improved quality of life during the process of cancer treatments, especially to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and also improve the recovery and healing processes if a surgery is performed.