​The meditation videos below should be viewed with full mental focus and without interruptions.
Please expand the video window to fill the entire display screen by first selecting the Play Video symbol and then selecting the small expand box symbol that appears in the bottom right of the video window.
You can download the video by clicking on the Download symbol in the bottom right of the video window.
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Focus fully during a meditation session. Please reduce possible interruptions from cell phones, other video and music, and people when viewing these meditation videos.
For best results, these meditation videos are best viewed on a larger display such as a desktop computer monitor, large laptop screen, or smart TV to best receive the energy empowerments and healing help and meditation training.​​
To view these videos on a smart TV, you can download these videos and then transfer the videos to a USB storage stick to plug into smart TV.
Please see Terms of Use below. Please see more about display size below.
Video 1: Introductory Meditation Video
This is an introductory meditation video for the practice of Kundalini and Qi Gong under God which contains instruction about this practice method and a meditation empowerment with the teacher (Dr. D. Wong) for strong energy empowerment and healing from God.
Students are recommended to view this meditation video daily to receive daily energy empowerment and healing help from God and meditation training.
Please select Prayers from the Web site menu at the top to get summary prayer instructions for this Kundalini and Qi Gong under God practice as taught in Video 1.
Video 2: Meditation Video with Very Strong Energy Empowerment
First practice for about 20 days with daily energy empowerment and meditative help from viewing Meditation Video 1.
Then students can begin viewing Video 2.
This Video 2 is a meditation video with very strong energy empowerment with the teacher (Dr. D. Wong).
Students can view Video 2 daily to receive this very strong energy empowerment and more healing help from God.
Students who would like extra healing help can watch Video 2 more than once per day (e.g. morning and evening daily).
Because Video 2 has very strong energy empowerment, Video 2 should be viewed only by students who have already practiced for at least 20 days with daily energy empowerments from viewing introductory Video 1.
If Video 2 is watched without having this prior practice, the viewer’s energy levels and energy experiences will automatically be safely limited by God. However, God will still make the viewer feel Kundalini and Qi energy feelings that are quite strong and somewhat uncomfortably warm for a few hours if Video 2 is viewed without sufficient prior practice.
More about Display Size
For best results, these meditation videos are best viewed on a larger display such as a desktop computer monitor, large laptop screen, or smart TV to best receive the energy empowerments and healing help and meditation training.​​
These meditation videos can also be viewed on a smaller notebook display or a tablet/pad display, but the results are better on a larger display.
You are welcome to preview the videos on a cell phone or other device with a similar-sized display, but a cell phone does NOT have sufficient display size to be effective for energy empowerments and healing help and meditative training in these Kundalini and Qi Gong under God videos.
Terms of Use of these Copyrighted Videos and Web site information at www.QiGongUnderGod.com
​These meditation videos, documents, and Web pages at www.QiGongUnderGod.com can be downloaded and saved for your own use and for use by your own family members. You can make copies for your own use and for use by your own family members.
For other all other people other than your own family members, please share our web site name "www.QiGongUnderGod.com" in order to help other people to receive this information about Kundalini and Qi Gong under God.
Or you are welcome to include a web link to "www.QiGongUnderGod.com" in your emails, web sites, text messages, online postings, etc. to help others to receive this information about Kundalini and Qi Gong under God.
If you have some friends that you know personally that are not able to access www.QiGongUnderGod.com, then you can download and share these meditation videos and documents and Web pages with these other people that you know. Please kindly help these other people without fees except possibly sharing the costs of storage media. This is primarily for helping other people that you know personally who need this help such as people who do not currently have fast Internet access and/or people who seem not currently in good health to able to use the Internet. Please distribute this teaching information without any alterations or additions. This is not granting any other permission for redistribution.
If you are working in a health care organization or in a spiritual school or in an educational school, please share our web site name and web links as described above if you are interested to do so. For selected people that are your school's students and their families or your health care organization's patients and their families and are also not able to access www.QiGongUnderGod.com, you can download and share these meditation videos and documents and Web pages with these selected people that are being helped by your school or your health care organization. Please distribute this teaching information without any alterations or additions. This is not granting any other permission for redistribution.
Important Spiritual Study Principle and Advice
It is important to always be kind and respectful in all of your communications to other people about Kundalini and Qi Gong under God and the meditation teacher Dr. D. Wong, this spiritual school community (the Sangha), and these meditation videos and documents and Web pages. It is also important to always be kind and respectful in communications about other spiritual schools and teachings. An explanation is below.
It is always important that other people have a good opportunity to benefit from these spiritual teachings and the spiritual teachings of others if they are interested.
Each person has many people that he/she knows and some of those people might benefit from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God and also from other spiritual schools.
Each person has their own spiritual journey and is usually learning mainly from some preferred spiritual teachings at the present time.
Each person might decide sometime later if not now to learn more fully from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God and also from other spiritual schools and teachings.
This message can also be relevant because some students have some concerns in spiritual study, especially about spiritual teachings that they haven't learned well yet and are not yet familiar. Many people are new to study with the more powerful help from God in this spiritual school where students are receiving enlightened energy empowerments and miraculous healing and strengthening from God by viewing meditation videos daily from a good meditative teacher. If you are new to this type of spiritual study, please give yourself the best chance possible over time.
Then please help your friends, work colleagues, and family relatives (and also people that you will meet in the future) to have their own good opportunity to decide if this spiritual help is right for them.
Permission is not granted to republish or redistribute these videos or other Web site information, except as described above.
Copyright permission is granted for the above described uses only. Other uses of this copyrighted information are not permitted.