Common Effect: Strengthening of the Voice Box causes Effects for Singers
These vocal effects are important to understand for people who are music vocalists or interested to be music vocalists.
This strengthening of the voice box happens to the vast majority of students practicing Kundalini and Qi Gong under God.
A student who practices Kundalini and Qi Gong under God daily with daily energy empowerments using the meditation videos daily will usually have a strengthening of his/her voice box over a time period of two to three years.
Music Background
To help explain these vocal effects, some music background explanation is presented first.
The voice box consists of the vocal cords and its controlling muscles.
The voice box is also called the larynx.
For singing, a person's voice box can be rated or measured by resonance.
Let us try to describe vocalists as having a voice box in one of these four resonance categories:
Very high resonant voice box
High resonant voice box
Mid-high resonant voice box
Mid resonant voice box
A voice box in a higher resonant category means that the voice box oscillates more easily. For example, a person with a high or very high resonant voice box can sing or talk more loudly with the same amount of air pressure and air flow compared to a person with a mid or mid-high resonant voice box.​
Almost all professional vocalists have a voice box that is high, very high, or mid-high resonant.
Higher voice box resonance helps to give a vocalist have more ability to sing with more range and variety of sound intonations.
The vocalist may also have a larger useful dynamic volume range (larger range between low sound volume to louder sound volume when singing).
Without any strengthening from Kundalini and Qi Gong under God, here are the percentages of out of all adult people in these resonance categories:
About 1% of all people have a very high resonant voice box.
About 4% of all people have a high resonant voice box.
About 25% of all people have a mid-high resonant voice box.
About 70% of all people have a mid resonant voice box.
Sound frequency in music is measured using octaves and notes.
Each octave is two times higher in frequency than the next lower octave.
Each octave is divided into 8 full notes of lower to higher frequency within the range of an octave.
The same letter note is double the sound frequency in the next higher octave. For example, the C note is double the sound frequency in the next higher octave.
Another set of characteristics of a person's singing voice is caused by complex resonance qualities of the person's vocal system.
A person's singing voice has resonance qualities that are partially controlled by how the singer is controlling the sound with vocal techniques. These resonance qualities are also partially caused by the natural resonance characteristics of the person's vocal system.
Multiple types and categories of resonance terms are used by music artists and music listeners to describe how singing resonances are heard by human ears.
We should appreciate the super fine characteristics of the sound making and sound sensing abilities of our human bodies.
The human vocal system is a super fine sound generating system designed by the Creator.​
The human ear system is a super fine sensing organ designed by the Creator.
This is combined with a complex and super fine auditory processing system in the human brain designed by the Creator.
Singing voice coloration or texture is one category of resonance description.
For example, a song can be sung in softer ways by some singers with a voice quality that sounds "breathy" or "whispery".
Another description of singing resonance quality is a described by a range from more softness to more sharpness.
This softness to sharpness resonance term is describing how harmonic multiple frequencies of the music note frequency being sung is sounding to human ears.
More sonic energy in the harmonic multiple frequencies sounds "more sharp."
Low sonic energy in the harmonic multiple frequencies sounds "more soft."
The harmonic multiple frequencies are mainly 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x frequency multiples of the music note frequency.
But for higher frequency music notes, some of the higher frequency multiples are too high to be heard directly by human ears.
Some Important Sound Changes for Singing
Some notable change effects of the strengthening of the voice box are listed below:
1. A person who does not previously already have a very high resonant voice box will likely have a shift towards a more resonant voice box by 1 to 1.5 categories upward.
For example, a mid resonant voice box will improve to become a mid-high resonant voice box or between a mid-high and high resonant voice box.
This shift often helps singers who move upward in voice box resonance.
The singer should preferably have time to practice singing regularly because the singer needs to make some adjustments to singing techniques as the voice box resonance changes over time. For example, a higher resonance voice box means that substantially less air pressure is needed to make the same sound volume as before.
A singer with higher resonance voice box can also have better ability to sing softly at low sound volumes with very pleasant sound qualities. Some training time is needed to learn and adjust singing techniques.
2. A senior-age singer who is now somewhat weaker physically than before can often benefit from this strengthening process.
A senior-age singer often has a weaker voice box and overall weaker body than when the singer was younger. For such a person, the voice box is strengthened by Kundalini and Qi Gong under God to be more resonant and also better controlled by improved muscle strength. In addition, his/her overall body becomes healthier and often somewhat strengthened.
The vocal singing of a senior-age person with an age-weakened voice box is often not quite as good sounding compared to when the person was younger. Both singing and talking can often sound better after this strengthening process.
3. The strengthening process also makes the voice box have a lower frequency range compared to before.
This is a natural effect of having stronger vocal cords and stronger controlling muscles.
A person's singing vocal range will typically shift to be LOWER in frequency (deeper) for both the lowest and highest singing notes that the person can sing.
Frequency lowering by about 4 to 5 full notes is the typical amount of frequency lowering after this strengthening has been completed after two to three years.
During this time period of 2 to 3 years, the lowest and highest singing notes are often not shifted by the same number of notes.
After the strengthening is completed, the lowest and highest singing notes have often shifted by nearly the same number of notes, but not for some people. Sometimes, the vocal range between lowest and highest singing notes can be either noticeably smaller (e.g. 2 notes) or noticeably larger (e.g. 2 notes) than before.
4. This strengthening process also makes a person's voice box to be noticeably "softer sounding in singing resonance quality" than the person had previously.​
​A natural effect of strengthening is some reduction in resonance energy for higher harmonic frequencies. Lower sonic energy in harmonic multiple frequencies makes the person's singing sound "softer sounding."
5. A person's vocal system is complex. This strengthening of a person's voice box plus other strengthening in the human body means that some people may have singing voice changes in some additional ways. These additional changes may be describable by musicians and music listeners with some words that artistically describe how the person's singing voice is now somewhat different.